Living Young…

A few days ago, a good friend of mine forwarded a piece, of which this is an extract, as a poem penned by our late Atal Bihari Vajpayee, India’s much adored/loved prime minister.


Atalji on the essentials for living young (the translation is not word by word):   


घर चाहे   ‘कैसा’   भी हो………

उसके    एक    कोने में………..

खुलकर हंसने की जगह रखना..

May it be whatever,

set aside a place in the house

for laughing your heart out.


सूरज कितना भी दूर हो………..

उसको घर आने का रास्ता देना..

However distant the sun may be,

lay out a way for him to enter.


कभी कभी छत पर चढ़कर..

तारे    अवश्य     गिनना……

हो सके तो हाथ बढ़ा कर…..

चाँद को छूने की कोशिश करना….

Now and then be sure to climb

over the roof to count the stars and,

if you can, put your hand out,

to reach for the moon.


अगर हो लोगों से मिलना जुलना…..

तो घर के पास पड़ोस ज़रूर रखना…

If it be to meet up and mingle with people,

be sure to be blessed with a neighborhood.


भीगने देना बारिश में………..

उछल कूद भी करने देना……

हो    सके  तो बच्चों को…….

एक कागज़ की किश्ती चलाने देना..

Get out and wet in the rain,

jumping and splashing without a care.

Delight the kids, if you can,

floating in the waters a paper boat.


कभी हो फुरसत,आसमान भी साफ हो….

तो एक पतंग आसमान में चढ़ाना………..

हो सके तो एक छोटा सा पेंच भी लड़ाना..

When you’ve a little time and the sky clear,

fly a kite up high as you can. And, perhaps

even engage another in a little skirmish.


घर के सामने रखना एक पेड़….

उस पर बैठे पक्षियों की……….

बातें अवश्य  सुनना……………

Let there be a tree in the front.

The birds perched on its branches –

be sure to eavesdrop on their chatter.


घर चाहे   ‘कैसा’   भी हो……..

घर के    एक कोने   में…………

खुलकर हँसने की जगह रखना…

May it be whatever,

set aside a place in the house

for laughing your heart out.








Source: Thanks to Gopalswamy and image from Note authenticity not verified. 




Source: Authenticity not verified. Image from